Lorenzo Porzio began studying the piano at the age of 7 and at the same time at the age of 11 he studied the organ under the guidance of the organist and composer Lorenzo Ronci, later perfecting himself at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia with Maestro Federico Del Sordo.

From 1996 to today he has been the permanent organist of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart Immaculate of Mary in Parioli (Rome).

From 1997 to 2011 he continued his activity as a pianist, perfecting himself with the masters Biagio Andriulli and Andrea Sammartino and with Giovanni Scaramuzza and Gino Nappo at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia (Rome).

He studied Composition with Maestro Marco Persichetti, graduating in 2014 with top marks in Composition at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome, under the guidance of Maestro Francesco Telli.
At the same time he began his career as an orchestra conductor by studying with the maestros Francesco Carotenuto, Carlo Tenan and Marco Boemi, perfecting himself in the masterclasses held by Maestro Piero Bellugi.

From 2000 to today he has worked as a solo concert performer, master accompanist and orchestra director in the most prestigious venues, theatres, auditoriums and basilicas in Italy and abroad, collaborating with the National Academy of Santa Cecilia, the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Orchestra Nova Amadeus, Civitavecchia Philharmonic, Rome Chamber Ensemble, Rome Philharmonic Orchestra, I Musici di Parma, Carlo Coccia Symphony Orchestra of Novara, MAV Symphony Orchestra of Budapest, the Orchestra of the Madlenianum Opera & Theater of Belgrade, Roman Academic Choir, St Paul’s Choir, City of Rome Choir, “Le Mille e una Nota” Choir, Accademia Vocale Romana and others.
Since 2003 he has been called to the Vatican to play the organ in the Papal Basilica of St. Peter and to hold concerts in the Sistine Chapel, Sala Raffaello, Casina di Pio IV in the Vatican Gardens, Church of the Governatorato, and in the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano for the 400 years of the opening of the Vatican Museums.

From 2004 to today he has written and performed songs on the piano and organ for broadcasts, documentaries and short television films on broadcasters such as: Rai 1, Rai 3, Rai International, Sky Sport, RomaUno. In November 2005 Radio Uno Rai broadcast his “Oriental Rhapsody (thinking about Beijing)” which he himself performed.

In May 2006 he made his debut as a composer at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome (Sala Petrassi) on the occasion of the event “How life is extraordinary” hosted by Pippo Baudo.

From 2009 to 2010 he held the position of First Assistant of the Elite Orchestra of the Santa Cecilia Conservatory.

In 2010 he made his debut in Rome leading the Tiberina Orchestra, conducting it again in concert in 2011 in the Basilica dei Santissimi Apostoli (Rome).
Since 2010 he has collaborated with the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia as pianist and conductor.

From 2011 to 2015 he was the permanent director of the chamber orchestra “L’Armonica Temperanza” with which he toured throughout Italy.
At the direction of the latter he was invited to perform by the major political and ecclesiastical authorities in the most important halls and basilicas of the capital (Room of the Protomoteca del Campidoglio, Hall of the Choir of the Sistine Chapel, Library of the Senate, National Library, Basilica of Santa Francesca Romana , San Quirico and Giulitta at the Imperial Forums, San Bartolomeo at the Tiber Island, S. Lucia at the Gonfalone, Chiesa degli Spagnoli at the Banchi Vecchi, San Clemente, Sant’Eugenio at the Belle Arti, San Paolo within the walls).

In 2012 he was entrusted with the task of founding and permanently directing the Orchestra and Choir of the Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome as an external professor, a role he still holds today.
The following two years included the prestigious concerts held at the Cathedral of Orvieto and the San Domenico Auditorium in Narni (broadcast by RAI 1 and presented by the actress Barbara De Rossi) as part of the Narnia Festival.

In January 2014 he made his debut at the Seraphicum Auditorium in Rome and at the Teatro Magnani in Fidenza (Parma) with the Rome Philharmonic Orchestra, registering a full house.

In July 2014, as part of the Narnia Festival, he conducted the soprano Katia Ricciarelli at the San Domenico Auditorium and made her debut at the Teatro Manini in Narni with Mozart’s Don Giovanni in two sold-out evenings. In the following two years, the great successes obtained with Cosi fan tutte and Le Nozze di Figaro would follow, thus completing the Mozart – Da Ponte trilogy.

He works with important directors such as Maria Rosaria Omaggio, Cesare Scarton, Paolo Baiocco, Andrea Del Giudice, Sergio Basile, Enrico Vanzina etc.
In December 2015 and 2016 he conducted the Christmas Mass-Concert for Choir and Orchestra for CONI in the Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the presence of over 3000 people.
In October 2016 he made his debut as a composer at Carnegie Hall in New York.

In July 2017 he conducted the Mass-Concert from the Narni Cathedral live on Rai Uno on the occasion of the sixth edition of the Narnia Festival.

In December 2018 he made his debut as director at the Teatro Nuovo in Spoleto for the Spoleto Winter Festival.

He is the first conductor to hold a symphony concert in the CONI Hall of Honor (February 2014) and to conduct the Rome Bersaglieri Fanfare “Nulli Secundus” on the occasion of the “Luci della Storia su Porta Pia” event (September 2016).

Since July 2014 he has held the position of Musical Director of the Narnia Festival, a large artistic event awarded from the 2015 to 2024 edition by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella with the “President’s Medal” for high artistic and cultural merits.
Since January 2016 he has been the permanent director of the City of Rome Philharmonic Orchestra

In March 2019, as a conductor, he made his debut at Carnegie Hall in New York and in December of the same year at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, always selling out.

Since 2020 he has been the Musical Director of the “Musica su Roma” festival.

In 2021-2022 he is on tour in Europe (Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Czech Republic etc.) with the MAV Symphony Orchestra of Budapest and the Madlenianum Opera & Theater Orchestra of Belgrade.
In 2022, commissioned by President Novella Calligaris, he wrote the official anthem of the National Association of Olympic and Italian Athletes, making its world premiere in May at the Ariston Theater in Sanremo.

In the same month he was the President of the jury at the Sanremo Junior competition at the Ariston Theatre.
His next commitments in 2024-2025 include concerts at the Teatro dei Ginnasi for the “Musica su Roma” festival, at the Narnia Festival 2024, at Carnegie Hall in New York and the tour in America, Europe, China and Japan.
Lorenzo Porzio records for the Diva Production, Eden Editori and ProMu labels. His new CD, “Fantasia Italiana II” with the Serbian Madlenianum Orchestra is out.

He is the winner of countless awards: Silver Lion for Lifetime Achievement, Sympathy Award of the Municipality of Rome, Silver and Bronze Medal for athletic value, CONI Honorary Diploma, Enrico Toti Award, USSI Award, Convictus Award, Olive Tree of ‘Gold for Lifetime Achievement, Agensport Award, Rotaract Excellence Award, GEF Sport Award of the City of Sanremo and others.

Lorenzo Porzio is an honorary and meritorious member of the most important National Clubs and Institutions (Azzurri d’Italia, Italian Rowing Federation, Aniene Rowing Club, Rotary Club etc.)

Since November 2014 Lorenzo Porzio has been a spokesperson for UNICEF.

For his merits, the President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi awarded him the honor of “Knight of the Republic”.


He began sporting activity at a competitive level in the discipline of rowing in 1994 at the Aniene Rowing Club in Rome.
In 1997 he joined the Italian National Team, maintaining the Maglia Azzurra for 15 consecutive years.

From 1998 to 2011 he participated in eleven world championships (5 overall, 3 under 23 and 3 juniors), as well as having won multiple medals in international and world cup competitions.

In 2002 he won the under-23 world champion title in the four-horse event, and in the following year he came close to winning the silver again in the same arm at the under-23 world championships.

As a member of the crew of four without, he won the bronze medal at the 2004 Athens Olympics.
He won the title of Absolute Italian Champion eighteen times.

In July 2009 he won the World Cup regatta in Lucerne (Switzerland).
He officially closed his professional career by winning his last Italian Championship at the Idroscalo in Milan in 2012.

He has around 300 medals in official national and international competitions.

Torchbearer for the Turin 2006 Winter Olympics, he was elected honorary and meritorious member of the most important National Clubs and Institutions (Azzurri d’Italia, Italian Rowing Federation, Circolo Canottieri Aniene, Rotary Club, etc.).

After the Athens Olympics, he was named athlete of the year as well as the most representative of his province.

Awarded by CONI with the Silver Medal for Athletic Valour, the Bronze Medal for Athletic Valor and the Diploma of Honour, he was appointed “Knight of Merit of the Italian Republic” by President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.
Since November 2014 Lorenzo Porzio has been a spokesperson for UNICEF.

He currently works for the Aniene Rowing Club as manager and first coach of the master team. At the same time, since May 2017 he has been head coach and technical director of the rowing section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) Club.

He works as a Rai commentator for technical-sports comments at national and international rowing events.